Pop The Champagne! SEC Approves Spot Bitcoin ETFs



A few hours ago SEC approved Bitcoin Spot ETFs. ETF Trading starts Thursday with the power house Blackrock being it’s biggest player.  This is a big positive milestone indeed.

Now, after over 15 years in, Bitcoin moves forward into the mainstream.

Once the market digests this huge news, we should expect institutional investors to buy the ETFs adding a huge amount of money into the market.

Since BTC has a finite supply and with rising demand, BTC should 2X by year-end and be around $ 100k and keep going up from there with many predicting it will hit over $500,000 within 5 years.  Bitcoin is currently trading in the $ 45k to $47k range.

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Buy or Sell?

For me, I hold long-term. I am NOT a day trader. I am an investor. I do NOT stress ups or downs. I have been bullish since 2015 and remain so.  In fact, the wealth-building success key is to always buy quality assets and never sell. And this is quality.

As for how to buy the ETFs, well they will start trading on Thursday. It’s important to pay attention to fees charged by the funds.

Just remember, ETFs are on Wall Street and easily confiscatable by the US Government.  If you seek freedom from the hand of Big Brother, you’ll need to buy Bitcoin directly on an exchange and then put it into a digital wallet that you can store and keep your holdings away from the prying Bureau-Rats.

So do the research and then choose wisely. This is happening fast so stay tuned for updates.