The short answer is…
WE HAVE FAILED OURSELVES by falsely and foolishly turning the word “compromise” from a positive word used by very successful professional negotiators, diplomats, business people, and married couples into a dirty word.
What inspired me to write this article was a video short I came across on a Pro-Trump site showing U.S. Vice-President Kamala Harris giving a speech saying;
“After decades in law enforcement, I know the importance of safety and security at our border”.
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Edited into the background was a well-done deep fake video showing migrants entering a thin break in what appears to be a wooden fence. The short video made a point that Kamala Harris is responsible for the “invasion” by migrants into the USA.
Before we get into this issue, as an independent journalist, please note that I am NO apologist for Kamala or Biden or any politician. In fact, I have been calling for Biden’s arrest for conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity since he began openly and proudly funding the bombing of Gaza murdering over 45,000 human beings including over 25,000 children. And when and if Kamala becomes President Kamala, I will be calling for her arrest for the same reasons.
Oh and by the way, since Trump suggested everyone in Gaza should be eliminated, not only will I call for his arrest too but award him The Adolf Hitler Medal of Dishonor for Best Asshole Who Cheers for Genocide.
OK, now we got that ridiculous bullshit out of the way. Let’s move on!
So I have a legit question!
Is Kamala Harris responsible for a broken immigration system? Yes or No?
If not, then who is? And what can practically be done about this broken system? Let’s take a look. Shall we?
Trump wants Americans to believe this is all Kamala’s fault. But a super quick fact check reveals that, for 4 decades, U.S. immigration policy has been a contentious issue often swinging like a pendulum between stricter border controls and more lenient approaches.
Since 2015, Trump has blamed Obama, Biden, and now Kamala. His echo chamber media follow suit pretending this is all new and now Kamala is the latest boogie man who owns this. Really? But most of us in the critical thinking non-cult row all know it is political theatre from the Circus Act that is Trump The Terrible.
The truth is all this Panem and Circus bullshit is just wasting our time and resources. It seriously resolves nothing! It’s blame-game leadership at its worst! Or should I say it’s just whining and NO LEADERSHIP at all?
After all, aren’t we all still waiting for Mexico to pay for Trump’s Berlin Wall? Remember that stupid shit? Yeah, and he had a Republican Congress to boot! And still, it never got done. Now that’s pathetic!
Nevertheless, despite multiple attempts at reform, the system has remained plagued by inefficiencies, backlogs, and legal loopholes. To seriously understand the ongoing failure of U.S. immigration policy, it’s crucial to examine the underlying causes, and key players, and propose practical solutions.
The Complexity of U.S. Immigration Policy Failures
1. The Abject Irresponsible Failure Known as Political Polarization
We’ve tried the polarization thing and it has failed all of us. So now it’s time to go back and do what has been successfully done since time began; compromise!
Political polarization is perhaps the most significant factor contributing to the U.S.’s failed immigration policies over the past 40 years. Immigration has become a highly politicized issue, with Democrats and Republicans often taking opposing stances. It has to stop. It has failed
Democrats have generally advocated for more lenient immigration policies, focusing on pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, and protecting refugees and asylum seekers. Republicans, on the other hand, have run towards stricter border controls and tougher immigration enforcement.
The inability to reach a bipartisan consensus has led to legislative gridlock, with many immigration reform bills failing to pass through Congress.
For instance, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, which proposed a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and stricter border security, failed due to opposition from both sides of the aisle.
And recently in February 2024, a brand new border security bill was created by Republicans in the Senate and negotiated so that Democrats can accept it. It was revised in May 2024.
The Border Act included similar immigration provisions as the February bipartisan bill Senator Murphy (D-CT) jointly wrote with Senators Lankford (R-OK) and Sinema (I-AZ).
US President Joe Biden lauded the bill, which he said in a statement would make the border more secure and the asylum process more fair. He said “But now, House Republicans have to decide. Do they want to solve the problem? Or do they want to keep playing politics with the border? I’ve made my decision. I’m ready to solve the problem. I’m ready to secure the border,” Biden said.
But Trump, the leader of the Republican Party said he would NOT support the bill that his party created and negotiated.
Unfortunately, with Trump’s pathetic self-centered non-leadership, the bill became no longer bipartisan. Instead, after Trump called on Republicans to tank their own bill, the Republican leadership immediately railed against Democrats for bringing it to a vote, calling it “dead on arrival.” So on May 23, nearly all Republicans voted against the Border Act, and most Democrats voted in favor. The vote was 43 for and 50 against. We The People lost again!
It was clear that Trump, given the opportunity to cheer and be part of the solution for border security, tanked the deal and put massive pressure on his Republicans to vote it down even after they were ready to support it.
Sadly, it was clear that solving the border security issue came secondary to making it an election issue. And using this validity test, the current owner of responsibility for border failure is Donald Trump. But he is just the current holder of that title. The real title belongs to all of us and we’ve held that championship belt for over 40 years. And so we remain stuck in the irresponsible polarized world of politics where greed wins over humanity and real people get hurt on every side while the fat cats profit.
2. The Ridiculous and Inconsistent Enforcement of Law and Irresponsible Use of Loopholes
The U.S. immigration system is riddled with inconsistencies and loopholes that undermine effective enforcement. The U.S. has failed to enforce its immigration laws consistently, resulting in an estimated millions of undocumented immigrants residing in the country; most real estimates are between 10 million and 15 million. No one knows the real numbers because there is no system to document them.
While some administrations have taken a hardline stance on deportations, others have emphasized more lenient approaches, such as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). This inconsistency has created a system where individuals are uncertain about their status, and enforcement becomes a matter of political discretion rather than a uniform rule of law.
Additionally, loopholes such as overstayed visas have been a significant issue.
Around 40% of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. entered legally but overstayed their visas, highlighting the need for better visa tracking systems and enforcement.
3. The Pathetic System Used to Openly Bribe Politicians Known as Special Interest Groups and Lobbying
Special interest groups and lobbying have also played a role in the failure of U.S. immigration policy. Agricultural and business sectors, which rely on immigrant labor, have lobbied against stringent immigration laws that would limit their access to cheap labor.
Now tell me which greedy business owner does NOT love cheap labor that they can pay under the table avoiding taxes, benefits, and less than minimum wage while having complete leverage over a human slave that has NO rights? I dare you! Tell me! I mean, talk about a plantation owner’s paradise. These bozos take the cake!
But you, the average American citizens, are not off the hook either because you know damn well that the hard-working brown person who is washing your car, cleaning your restaurant table, and building your house is undocumented but you look the other way because, who cares right? It’s cheaper and your orgasmic greed wins over empathy or humanity. Don’t lie! Be honest! I can see you squinting. Get real and come clean.
I mean, for too many, as long as those brown people know their place and whose their Mazza. Then it’s a wink-wink and enjoy the cheap labor ride!
Now, on the other side, unions and other organizations have opposed reforms that would increase the number of foreign workers, arguing it could suppress wages and working conditions for American workers. So there’s that too.
4. Absolutely Real Economic Factors and Globalization That Have Landed on Everyone in the World; NOT just US Citizens
Economic factors and globalization have influenced U.S. immigration policy by increasing the demand for both skilled and unskilled immigrant labor. U.S. companies, particularly in the tech industry, have pushed for more H-1B visas for skilled workers to fill labor shortages.
Conversely, industries such as agriculture and construction have relied on unskilled labor, often hiring undocumented immigrants willing to work for lower wages.
So these are the basic causes. But what about real solutions?
I just chatted with a 32-year-old Mexican young lady. She is a friend of mine and a business acquaintance. She is single and lives in Tijuana (TJ) and can see the border wall from her place of work in TJ. She sees the effects of migrants in TJ and the so-called caravans every day.
She says;
“I haven’t felt insecure not even for one second. People have been amazing here. But I also just move around secure areas. I don’t go to bars. Around 10pm-ish I’m at home.”
“My local friends comment that as soon you don’t mess with nobody nobody messes with you.”
“I could say that TJ is not as fancy as other parts I have been in Mexico especially because Mérida, where I am from, had a very fancy ambiance. I am enjoying my experience here in TJ very much. I love TJ.”
“Oh, I have seen homelessness but nothing that is not common in the USA and its big cities. The food is amazing; tacos in TJ are the bomb!”
“I have walked and taken transportation from the USA border to my house at night and morning. There is NOTHING to worry about.”
“I know about a friend that goes all the time to bars and he always has fun but he doesn’t use drugs. He just drinks so it is all safe. And long as you don’t go to the “red area” where all the hookers are then there’s nothing to worry about”
Practical Solutions for U.S. Immigration Policy
Given these challenges, it’s essential to propose practical solutions to create a balanced, effective, and humane immigration system.
1. Responsible Bipartisan Immigration Reform
Achieving meaningful immigration reform requires bipartisan cooperation. Both parties need to come to the table to draft comprehensive legislation that addresses key issues, such as border security, pathways to citizenship, and visa reform.
A balanced approach should prioritize securing the borders while also creating legal pathways for immigrants who contribute to the U.S. economy.
This will involve conditional amnesty programs, where undocumented immigrants can earn legal status through background checks, tax payments, and other requirements.
Unfortunately, given Donald Trump’s hard-core position and open racism where he says “They are poisoning our blood”, he cannot ever be part of a real solution because he is stuck in the past probably waiting for Mexico to pay for his wall that was never built and drowning in his last gasp of white supremacy bullshit.
Kamala Harris, on the other hand, openly said she would sign the 2024 Border Security Bill that the Republicans wrote even though it will piss off her progressive wing of the party. So she’s a real player in the practical solutions table.
2. Responsible Enhanced Visa Tracking and Enforcement
Now to address the issue of visa overstays, the U.S. needs to implement an enhanced visa tracking system. Modern technology can help monitor entry and exit points to ensure that visitors comply with their visa terms. Furthermore, consistent enforcement of immigration laws, regardless of political changes, would create a more predictable and stable system.
The excuses for not doing this obvious thing need to stop. Period.
3. Responsible Pathways for Legal Immigration
Once Racist Trump exits the scene and his ethos is finally marginalized, then creating practical additional legal pathways for immigration can help reduce illegal immigration. Expanding the number of work visas and streamlining the application process for family reunification can provide alternatives to illegal entry.
Programs like the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) should be reviewed and expanded to include individuals from countries facing crises, such as natural disasters or armed conflicts.
We know this works because the USA did this with the Bracero Program in 1942 to 1964 and it was one of the main reasons the US prevailed in World War II.
From 1942 to 1964, millions of migrant workers crossed the border from Mexico into the United States as braceros, a Spanish word for a “laborer who works with his arms.” As contract workers, they faced harsh conditions and had to pay for food and lodging while only receiving meager wages. But it worked and it was run well under tough circumstances.
4. Responsibly and Honestly Address The Root Causes of Migration
Addressing the root causes of migration, particularly from Central America, can seriously reduce the number of individuals seeking to enter the U.S. illegally.
The U.S. should invest in foreign aid programs that promote massive economic development, reduce violence, and improve governance in these countries. By improving conditions in migrants’ home countries, fewer people would feel compelled to undertake dangerous journeys to the U.S.
In fact, with a massive moonshot Marshall Plan, the USA can not only rebuild the Central American economies they destroyed in the 1980s but they can also create new middle-class customers for their goods and services.
Given the Chinese entrance into Latin America, the USA will be smart to change its course and start investing instead of destroying it.
5. Responsibly Reform Asylum Procedures
Reforming the asylum process is crucial for ensuring that those with legitimate claims are given protection while deterring fraudulent applications. Expediting asylum hearings and providing more resources to immigration courts can reduce backlogs and ensure timely decisions. Additionally, establishing regional asylum processing centers outside the U.S. can help manage the flow of asylum seekers more effectively.
Forty years of failed U.S. immigration policy can be attributed to a combination of political polarization, inconsistent enforcement, economic factors, and lobbying by special interest groups.
It’s not Kamala’s fault. And it’s not even Trump’s fault. And it is certainly NOT Obama’s or Bushes’ or Biden’s fault. It is our fault 100%. We failed! We are responsible!
And there you have the real answer and the NOT bullshit answer the shitty corporate media and their stupid extremist profiteering wings on YouTube or Social Media attempt to sell. And it is certainly not the stale bullshit the crappy paid-off political parties attempt to sell us.
It’s just us. We’ve been duped. We know the real answers and solutions but we can’t get out of our way to get it done for everyone including but not limited to Americans and Central Americans.
Nevertheless, to move forward, the U.S. must adopt a balanced and practical approach that includes bipartisan reform, better enforcement of existing laws, expanded legal immigration pathways, and measures to address the root causes of migration. This is practical.
Only through comprehensive and pragmatic solutions can the U.S. restore balance to its immigration system and ensure its long-term stability and prosperity.
Unfortunately, given that Trump’s number one position is blame and no compromise, then he disqualifies himself from any real solutions that will work. So he is useless!
And Kamala and Walz?
Yes, they are beholden like all politicians to their money backers. That’s nothing new for everyone on all sides. The US is corrupted by big money. But you know that right? If not, get with the program already! We need massive reform. But that’s for another article!
Nevertheless, Kamala said in a CNN interview yesterday that she did say she would sign the GOP Border Security Bill created by GOP Senator Lankford from Oklahoma, Indie Senator Sinema from Arizona, and Senator Murphy from Connecticut. And that’s the best chance we have right now to start a real serious long-term success fixing a 40-year-old antiquated dysfunctioning system for everyone.
Yes, we need to COMPROMISE! I know! I know! It’s that word that some idiot decided was dirty
As for you, the American citizen, vote for responsible politicians who can compromise to get stuff done. It may be sexy and feed one’s weird need for the love of hating on the other guy. However, compromise is actually the responsible way forward. It demonstrates maturity and real adult depth. The truth is, it is the civil way to deal with real human issues. Compromise is the real way the ball moves forward in the real world of success.
Take it from a man who is successfully been married for 40 years, compromise is success way. It allows for all parties to breathe and have space on the table. It breaks bread and builds bridges. It makes sense and it is the right thing to do! Period! So remember that before you start re-engaging with insults, incivility, and vulgarity. Stop it now and change course to success so we can begin the real process of fixing this system.
- Pew Research Center. “Immigration: Key Data Points from Pew Research.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- Congressional Research Service. “Failed Attempts at Immigration Reform.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- Migration Policy Institute. “The U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Population.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- American Immigration Council. “An Overview of U.S. Immigration Laws Since 1965.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- Department of Homeland Security. “Entry/Exit Overstay Report.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- National Immigration Forum. “Special Interest Groups and Their Influence on Immigration Policy.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- The Washington Post. “The Role of Labor Unions in U.S. Immigration Policy.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- The Brookings Institution. “The Economic Impact of Immigration.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- Center for American Progress. “A Path to Citizenship for Undocumented Immigrants.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- GAO Reports. “Enhancing the Visa Tracking System.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- United Nations. “Human Rights and Migration: Addressing the Root Causes.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- USAID. “Economic Development in Central America.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
- Human Rights Watch. “Reforming the U.S. Asylum Process.” Accessed August 28, 2024.
This article has been featured on VT Foreign Policy
Charles Bivona Jr aka “Coach JP Money”, is the founder of Coach JP Money. He is a seasoned expert in financial coaching and wealth-building. A multifaceted visionary, Charles is also a writer, global citizen, eco-activist, musician, artist, entertainer, entrepreneur, investor, life coach, and syndicated columnist.
Charles’ journey began with a solid education in accounting, finance, and business at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and California State University, Fullerton. At just 17, he made his first real estate investment with no money down, igniting a lifelong passion for financial independence. By 1998, he had achieved debt-free status and has been building wealth ever since.
As an entrepreneur, Charles owned and operated five national newspapers in the U.S. before transitioning to digital media. He founded and managed influential online platforms, including (2004–2020) and VT Foreign Policy (2004–2023).
A proud expat since the late 1990s, Charles resides in Baja, Mexico, with his wife whom he married in 1985. Together, they have three adult children and seven grandchildren. Their eco-conscious home, built with sustainable super-adobe techniques, is now a luxury retreat known as Hacienda Eco-Domes.
Under his music alias Johnny Punish, a name coined during his days fronting the underground punk band Twisted Nixon, he continues to inspire through his art and advocacy through his newest musical adventure; Punish Studios.
Today, as “Coach JP Money” Charles dedicates his life to helping others achieve financial mastery and personal success, sharing decades of experience and wisdom through his coaching, writing, and creative endeavors.
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