The Five Flags of Freedom: The Definitive Smart Strategy To Live Relatively Free in Our UnFree World


Are you Looking for real freedom in our unfree world?  Would you like to be relatively invisible and untouchable by lawsuits; even governments?  Well, after 30 years of searching, we found the path forward!  And today, we are sharing it with you.

It’s called The 5 Flags of Freedom. And this is the definitive road map to live relatively free in our un-free world

But first, we must go over the GOLDEN RULE!  And that’s Never!  And I mean NEVER break the laws of any country!  You don’t need to! You just need to know the laws and choose where to legally plant your flags to fit your goals and lifestyle!  It’s Simple, Elegant, and Easy!

Ok, so about 30 years ago, I was sick of being under complete control. It was stifling; same ole job, government on his back, lawyers, compliance. You name it. It was never-ending

I was successful in business and had a lovely home, income, assets, and a pretty good life.
But I was also exhausted by paying lawyers thousands of dollars for asset protection that never protected.

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When I  took a look at it carefully, I  realized that he would need to stay on the hamster wheel for the next 30 years or more before he could be free from the grind. The mortgage, property tax, car payments You name it! I was beyond frustrated!

No matter what he did, I could NEVER find the freedom I was working and hoping for. No matter how much money and assets I had; houses, cars, I still had no path to true financial and personal freedom. It was just bills and the government on my back for every little thing. I was fed up!”

Now, just a reminder, you don’t have to break any laws to lose it all.  All it takes is a frivolous lawsuit or an accusation and boom, you’re doomed. And most countries don’t protect their citizens.  Instead, they confiscate first and ask questions later. And then you gotta prove you’re innocent and attempt to recover your assets.

Of course, after you pay lawyers obscene fees you may get what you worked your whole life for back. If you’re lucky!

It’s more likely they cut into it so hard that you end up with almost nothing except broken dreams and a miserable glass-half-empty attitude. And in so many cases, you walk away empty-handed because the costs and years wasted in time and aggravation are just not worth it.  The bureaucratic systems are a mess. They can easily destroy the average Joe.  But you know that already! That’s why you are here reading this.

So what can we do?

Well, we do have a few strong moves we can make that will give us relative freedom in this, our un-free world.  It’s called the 5 Flags of Freedom. It’s elegant, simple, and easy to do if you can make the mental shift. This works almost for everyone in our global world.

You see, to be truly free as a sovereign individual you must not be in the clutches of any one government.  All governments seek to control. It is their nature. Thus you must spread out intelligently and legally limit your exposure so that no one government has control over your person and your freedom of being.

This idea can easily be achieved by spreading your interests legally over at least five unrelated countries. Or as we say “Five Flags”. Now this is not expensive. Indeed, it is far less expensive than paying lawyers and certainly more foolproof.

Now people who deploy this strategy are called PT’s whereby PT stands for Phree Thinker. Or maybe Perpetual Tourist. How about part-time?  I like Passing Through. There are many ways to call ourselves but let’s just shorten it to PT.

Now, thousands of PTs are living in relative freedom using the Five Flags—there could be over one million worldwide! We don’t know because they are relatively invisible!

So let’s discuss each flag in depth, shall we?


You should legally hold one or more passports from small, neutral, and respectable nations that do not try to influence or tax their citizens living outside their territory. These passports should ideally allow visa-free access to as many nations as possible. European Union or South American passports are best. Many countries offer passports to those whose grandparents were citizens. So check into it.

There are several countries that tax their citizens who live outside their territory, the USA being one of them. If you hold this passport, it’s not ideal but it’s still workable. You just gotta keep your arm’s length and never break their law.

2nd Flag: RESIDENCE HAVENS or what many call DOMICILES

This is your official residence. It’s a country that regards you as a bona fide legal resident. Although you might not actually spend too much time there. It should be a country that does not tax income earned abroad. The effect is that you don’t have to file any personal tax returns anywhere.

Tax havens like Andorra & Turks and Caicos are good low-budget candidates. You might consider places like Switzerland or Monaco if you can afford it. There are always low-cost places you can go like Thailand, Ecuador, Honduras, Peru, or even Mexico.

There are many places in the connected world where you can be relatively free in an unfree world.

3rd Flag: Your PLAYGROUNDS

These are places where you physically choose to spend a lot of time. They depend on your personal taste. You might like major European city life or prefer to get away on a ranch in New Zealand. You have no official status in your playgrounds. You are a tourist “passing through”; you’re a “PT”; a Perpetual Tourist!

For example, the EU may only allow you in as a Tourist for 3 months. Ok, that’s fine! So rent a flat in Paris and every 3 months, take the train to London for a lovely weekend. How about a dinner and a show? Maybe go have tea with The King? Or maybe just at Starbucks? Whatever your fancy, just come back to Paris, and boom, you have another 3 months to hang out in France. Thank you Brexit!

Or say you want to live in Spain! Ok, take an exotic trip to Morocco for weekend shopping. Come back and boom, you get another 3 months to hang out! Play by the rules. Just make sure you keep abreast of the rule changes. For example, Brexit opened the door for Pee Tees. They are NO longer part of the EU. Okay, use that to your advantage.


These are places where you earn your money. If you own an existing business you may not have much choice in the matter and you may have to bite the bullet and pay some taxes. If you earn money with your skills or know-how then choose an offshore haven as your business base. Make sure it’s tax-free. Why not? Max out your legal benefits! Either way, your business will be incorporated so for most of you, you’ll never have to file any personal tax returns anywhere. And now with the internet and worldwide payment systems and banking, the door is more open than ever. Heck, just become a digital nomad, and you are set.

In fact, I was just in Egypt back in January.  I was actually in Luxor on the Nile. I had a lovely one-bedroom flat, quite large; just 1 block from the Nile. My upstairs neighbor was from the USA. He had the flat with a lovely 3rd story large patio overlooking the Nile. He paid $ 100 USD per month. He said he was a digital nomad; basically a PT. He was living the life paying rent so low it was not even worth owning a home or flat. That guy was maxing out. Smart guy!

Ok, let’s keep moving


These countries are where you keep your savings and investments safely away from where the money is earned or spent. They should score highly on respect for privacy, communications, professionalism, and stability. Your accounts will be controlled by the Internet.

While this has become harder to do as countries crack down, it’s still very possible. You just gotta be flexible and ready to spread it around a bit and limit your risk.

Now, most of you reading this will be skeptical. That’s normal. In fact, most of you will NEVER take this action to be free. Frankly, that’s even more normal. Freedom requires thought and implementation. It’s not for everyone. You must plan to implement your freedom. It takes time to get out of the system legally and into a relatively free system.

Frankly, most people are too conditioned to go for it. They are stuck in the system and are convinced it’s the only way. So it’s not for everyone. But for those of you who truly seek freedom and are willing to take on the challenge, it’s 100% possible. Think about it!

For those of you daring enough to find a better way! Now Is The Time!

And remember, the definition of a PT is what you make of it. You can be a Permanent Tourist, Perpetual Traveler, and even a Previous Taxpayer. It’s simply about doing what makes cents!

But first and foremost, don’t do stupid things. Remember the GOLDEN RULE:

Never! And I mean NEVER break the laws of any country. You don’t need to! You just need to know the laws and choose where to legally plant your flags to fit your goals and lifestyle! It’s Simple, Elegant, and Easy! OK!

If you like to smoke weed, don’t travel to or be a resident of a place where it’s against the law. Canada is a great place to be a PT for cannabis users. They smoke weed on the streets of Vancouver.

In California USA, you can be a PT and buy marijuana products at the local store. It’s no big deal there. In other words, always abide by the local law.


The legal options for you are limited because the U.S.A. taxes its citizens on their worldwide income and thus, legally, you must report your income to the Internal Revenue Service no matter where you earn it.

Moreover, the USA has MLAT Treaties with most of the world’s major banking centers and thus they can get your information easily by just requesting it. Secrecy for U.S. Citizens was possible many years ago but in today’s world, it is a myth. That does NOT mean you can’t use some of the flags and get somewhat free. There are tax breaks for you if you live overseas given to you by the IRS like the foreign income tax exclusion. You can check the IRS site for more details.

If you seek true 100% freedom from the U.S.A., it will require that you renounce your citizenship.

Legally, this is quite the process. And they will “steal” your paid-in Social Security benefits. Yes, that’s their punishment for you! Lovely isn’t it? You pay your whole life and just because you want to become a citizen of another country, they steal your hard-earned money that you gave them to hold for your retirement. Incredible hubris. That’s stealing! But who are you going to complain to? Nobody! As Jim Carrey said in the movie “Liar Liar” “I am going to take it up the tailpipe”. Why? Because that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

So you have to weigh it all out.

No matter what you decide, again, I tell you for the 3rd time, DO NOT BREAK THE LAW!

Instead, check into the current law of the USA and find out more about what you can legally do to get relatively free. And get as much information as possible. Then do what makes cents within the law.

So what’s next?

Well, stick with me here. Join my FREE GLOBAL THINKERZ monthly newsletter. Then I will send you free tips, data, info, and more to add value to your knowledge. Now, once you get to the point where you are ready to launch your game plan, then you can become a member of GT and I will provide you a premium email newsletter weekly with detailed how to’s and up-to-minute information on everything you will need to be successful and get you over the PT finish line.

Moreover, with membership, you’ll get access to me and my over 40 years of experience through game planning, coaching, and consultation.  In the end, I truly want to see you as successful as I have been over the years. So yeah, I’m super excited to assist in every way I  can at any time. So keep that in mind.

Ok, well that’s it for now. I hope this inspired you to come up with your own game plan that works for you.  Over and Out!